Saturday, March 29, 2008

Getting our second book published

The greatest of news we have a second book published. Its a wonderful thing and we are so very grateful. The bad news, haven;t written very much at all. I'm not sure who to blame it on, the lousy weather, my freaky desktop or jsut the fact that I;m ahving a hard time getting back into my groove.
Has anyone else ever experienced this? Its kind of like exercise, you know you have to do it. Its the getting started that is the hardest part.
Unlike exercise I love writing, I love seeing a story unfold before my eyes, characters deciding which path they will take and me as an author pulling them back from making the worst of mistakes.
The good news my excuses are getting unlike me...
I received my laptop and can no longer blame the kids for taking up my computer time.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Patience is a Virtue

I've been a very bad little blogger. I think I've asked this before, but how on earth do other authors manage to have a life and still write? My day job has taken up far more time over the last few weeks than I'd like, and add college classes and odd "custody" arrangements, and you have one very tired, overextended and uninspired writer.

Of course, then something fabulously awesome happens and suddenly the inspiration comes flooding back!

In the course of the last week or so, when I've been working twelve and fourteen hour days, Sierra has been "pimping" us out. She's sent out not one but two submissions - which led to the first fabulously awesome thing. Liquid Silver Books has offered us a contract (and we accepted at the speed of light) on The Worthington Group: Meredith's Awakening, the sequel to Carrie's Answer. And Carrie's Answer is the other fabulously awesome thing: We got a pub-date!!!

So, when my energy is low on Monday, I'll just pop over to the beautiful Liquid Silver homepage, and see OUR BOOK listed as a new release!!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008


Patience while it may be a virtue , it certainly isn't one of mine. I don't savor the anticipation. I am a right here right now kind of girl. That philosophy may work in some areas of life, but not when your waiting to hear from publishers.
I sit and wonder when will they get back to Vi and I. DO we suck? By the end of the week I am ready to pull my hair out. I know I have to learn patience, especially in a business where you can go as long as six months before you hear from someone.
So for all you authors out there how in the world do you do it? How do you possibly wait out the time it takes for someone to read your submission and not go crazy?
I think this is why my muse is still missing. I don't have my mind where it should be , writing steamy , hot erotic stories.
I think that is why my muse is being pig headed and refusing to speak to me, he's horny and I haven't written anything to please him. Vindictive little jerk that he is, he wants me to write sex and my mind is on other things.
So I have promised Violet that this weekend I will write, write, write. I will have no excuse not to.
So muse if you're out there reading this, its time to come home honey and I will make it all better.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Muse is missing

Got up this morning with all intentions of working on something new. I sat down at the computer, put my hands to the keyboard and began to type. Problem is what came out was so not what I was hoping for.
I'd lost my muse. Funny thing about that damn muse it changes daily and I never know when it will hit me. I checked everywhere for the little bastard. Went through all my files of inspirational men. Looked up those naked hotties on the french rugby team. But got nothing, nada, zilch. I sat and stared at the screen silently screaming for something to take root and start talking.
Its three in the afternoon and I have been here for three freaking hours, I bet the little bastard is whacking off somewhere but hell if I can find him.
So while Violet is hard at work on Binding Ben I sit here complaining about finding my muse. At this point I just wanna punch him in the face and kick his ass out. But I can't because the muse is what keeps my imagination running wild, it gives me the most amazing ideas and stories. The characters and scenes are unbelievable. SO as much as I would like to hunt him down and do him serious bodily harm I won't.
I will instead wait until he again whispers in my ear the first word of my next sentence. I am at the mercy of the unseen force I have labeled male, because only a male presence could cause me so much frustration, such a lack in my ability to continue. Making me second guess myself until I'm ready to cry. Only a male could make me write the romance and sex of many a woman's dreams. Dare me, challange me to continue and prove it wrong. My bane and my hope. My nightmare and my dream.
So where ever you are you little bastard, I'll be here waiting on your lazy ass to get in together. MEN!