Friday, February 22, 2008

Here We Go Again

Welcome to our new and greatly improved blog!

Holy cow, but this whole web-verse has been such a steep learning curve for Sierra and I. Just when we think we've figured something out, we discover that we've created a brand new way to screw something up! Oy!

So a huge thanks to Tawny Taylor, web-guru (shut up, you are, too!) extrodinaire for spending an entire day creating our new blogspot, and decorating our various web-homes. We're so PRETTY now!

Between our MySpace Blog, and our various biographical pages, we've made it fairly clear, I think, that neither of us are particularly gifted technologically. This can be a giant handicap to someone in the E-Publishing world. So we'd love to hear from those of you who find yourselves adrift in a see of incomprehensible cyber-STUFF. How do you cope? Got any cool tips or tricks for dealing with MySpace, or Yahoo SiteBuilder? Got any suggestions for a really good tranquilizer to take before tackling your daily dose of web-trauma?

Share! We want to know!


1 comment:

Tawny Taylor said...

Um...well I might recommend a bottle of wine or alcoholic beverage of your choice before tackling either of those. But then, you may wake up the next day and find you've posted something absolutely horrific, or embarrassing, like bad pictures of you from high school, and then you’d have to live with people snickering behind your backs for years…

Maybe not such a good idea.

All I can suggest is you set aside a day every now and then and just make yourself do it. The learning part sucks, and it’s more or less a trial-and-error kind of thing, just like I did yesterday. It’s no fun, but after a while it gets easier. I promise.

I’m just happy you’re content with your new cyber home(s)! Hugs! I guess you are my first graphic design clients. That’s pretty exciting!